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Amp Up Your Summer

Most people have a bucket list, but have you thought about a summer bucket list? It can include the home projects you want to complete and the fun trips you want to take. Learn how Farmers & Merchants Bank can help amp up your summer and achieve your season’s goals.

Knock out those home improvement and renovation projects

Have you wanted to renovate the kitchen, remodel the bathroom, or finally finish the basement? Summer is the perfect season to do it all! Whether you want to complete some home projects for your family or to increase the value of your home to sell (it’s a great market!), we have options to help.

You can use the equity you’ve built up in your home to do those home improvement projects by securing a home equity loan or line of credit.
Visit your branch and talk to a loan officer today to get started.

Add money to your kid’s savings account

Summertime is the perfect time to lean in and ask your kids to help contribute to their savings. If they have a summer job where they earn money, this is a great opportunity to teach them how to save and spend their own money. You have many options when it comes to savings accounts, but our favorite is a Star Savers account.

When you open a Star Savers account, not only do kids start saving, earning interest and learning about finances, they also get fun perks and surprises in the mail a few times a year — yummy treats, fun activities and festive novelty items, packaged up and delivered to your home!

Set aside money for an upcoming vacation or trip

Do you have a family vacation coming up? How about weddings you’ll need to travel to? Summer can be a fun time for trips so it’s important to set aside money for those expenses.

Luckily, we have many savings accounts with great rates that you can use. Our base savings account only requires a $10 minimum deposit to open. See what your other options are and come in and sign up for one today.

Purchase a new car, boat, or RV

Is it almost time to buy a new car or buy your kid’s first car? Or maybe it’s time to buy that new fishing boat you’ve been wanting for a while. Whatever the case is, we can help! Stop in and tell us about your dream vehicle so we can share what your low-rate auto loan options are today.

Send or pay back money using P2P

There are so many celebrations that happen in the summer: graduations, birthdays, weddings, baby showers, and leaving for college. Instead of taking out cash for gifts, try using P2P payments.

P2P makes sending money to a person as easy as possible. As a Farmers & Merchants Bank customer, you automatically have access to P2P payments through online banking or the Bank’s app on your smartphone, and you can use it to send and receive funds at any time. It’s never been easier to share money with friends and family and unlike Venmo, there are no fees.

Learn how to send P2P payments today.

We can’t wait to see what all you get done this summer! Remember, Farmers & Merchants Bank is here for any and all banking needs because we’re your hometown bank with big bank perks.