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Smart Cookie Tips: Clear Your Financial Clutter

Watch this video for these tips to clear out financial clutter:

  1. Get organized
  2. Look at the big picture
  3. Sign up for electronic statements


In this video, Josh shares three ways to clear out the financial clutter:

Tip #1: Get organized

What you’re going to want to do is sit down with some paper and your calendar/scheduler.  On the paper, list all the bills you must pay, when they are due, and if they’re on an automatic payment schedule when that money leaves your account. Also identify your income sources/assets and when during the month you receive them.

Tip #2: Look at the big picture

Now that you have everything in one place, you can look at and see the expense and income pattern.  Maybe you’re front-loaded and that first week you’ve got to pay everything.  Or maybe most of your bills are due at the end of the month.

Tip #3: Sign up for electronic statements

Keep on track, protect yourself and your information. And one of the best ways to do that is to sign up for electronic statements for any site that offers it.

Clearing out the clutter and getting organized allows you to make better financial plans and decisions.