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Smart Talk Newsletter – June 2024

What’s the connection between health and wealth? Explore how being healthy impacts your life and finances. Plus, learn how a little exercise makes a big difference, and see how a mid-year financial checkup keeps you on track. Start your health/wealth journey today.

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Smart Talk Newsletter – May 2024

Healthy habits are key to your wellbeing—physical, mental, and financial. Join us on a journey to unlock your health/wealth potential. Take a closer look at how local businesses shape our vibrant communities. And don’t miss our essential smartphone safety tips to keep your information secure.

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Smart Talk Newsletter – March 2024

Personal finance is a lifelong journey, so we’re giving you the roadmap! Take a tour of all the major landmarks along the way, plus tips on teaching kids smart money habits and 3 ways to keep your accounts safe.

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Smart Talk Newsletter – January 2024

To kick off the New Year, we’re looking at how you can step up your financial fitness – from protecting what’s yours to the “exercises” that will help you meet your goals. Take control of your financial journey now for a more secure, successful 2024.

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Smart Talk Newsletter – November 2023

Are you a smart borrower? Learn what to do (and not do) to get the loan you deserve. Plus, how to make your checking account work better and the holiday gift that lasts a lifetime.  Read More »

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